Orchestra info

Rehearsal venues

Click here for a map of venues

Newman Rooms: The Old Palace, Rose Pl, St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1RD
Wesley Memorial Church: New Inn Hall St, Oxford OX1 2DH
St Peters Chapel: New Inn Hall St, Oxford OX1 2DL
Music Faculty: St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1DB

This term's rehearsal schedule (HT24)

Tuesday 23rd (Wk1), 7-10, St Peters Chapel, Tutti read through

Thursday 25th (Wk1), 7-10, ChCh, Tutti

Tuesday 30th (Wk2), 7-10, WesMem, Tutti

Thursday 2nd (Wk2), 7-10, St Barnabas Church Jericho, Tutti

Tuesday 7th (Wk3), 7-10, Sectionals, Wind/Brass:ChCh, Strings:DAH

Thursday 9th (Wk3), 7-10, St Barnabas Church Jericho, Tutti

Tuesday 14th (Wk4), 7-10, St Peters Chapel, Tutti

Thursday 16th (Wk4), 7-10, WesMem, Tutti + OUJO

Friday 17th (Wk4), 1.30-4.30, Sheldonian, Tutti, NB Rehearsal during the day, absolutely mandatory attendance!

CONCERT Friday 17th (Wk4), arrive by 7pm, concert at 7.30, Sheldonian


TBC: Post concert social at Vincent's Club until 1am, concert dress is fine except ties will need to be added if you're wearing a shirt, guests welcome but please let us know for numbers - they will also need to adhere to dress code. 


Attendance form: https://forms.gle/Vm5zk57BihFSykLz6

You must tell your fixer before the start of term if you are unable to make any of your scheduled rehearsals. If term has already started, get in touch with them ASAP!
Fixers: Aaron Rambow Czarny (Strings, also Ella McLoughlin - leader), Alex Buckley (Wind), Arthur Easey (Brass), Jonathan Hampshire (Percussion)


Upcoming concert dates

Can be seen in the Concerts section

Our seating process

We know that seating in the orchestra is important to a lot of people so we want to provide some information on the process for everyone. Although we use the OUMS audition process for invitation to join the orchestras, seatings within the ensembles aren’t based on audition performance due to the balance needed of competing factors. This is with the exception of the principal violin seats which are separately auditioned. Seating is decided at the discretion of the appropriate fixer along with the aid of the executive committee and senior players. The number of available seats will change depending on repertoire instrumentation and balance needs for specific programs throughout the year. Decisions are final but you are welcome to politely approach your fixer or an executive committee member if you have any concerns or questions. 

Code of Conduct

This is intended to be less of a formal code of conduct and more of a guide to help you understand what we expect from members of the orchestra. Positions in OUO and OUSinf are extremely competitive so it is a privilege to be a part of the orchestra and we have put this list together to make playing in the orchestras the best possible experience for everyone.

  1. Arrive early. Firstly, we very much encourage you to arrive at least 15 minutes early, or with enough time to both get your instrument out and warm up so that we make the most of everyone’s busy time. Also, it’s helpful to come even earlier to help with set up. We do not have a dedicated musical space to rehearse, so the room must be set up before rehearsal and put away after rehearsal; many hands make light work! If you are late (it happens, but try to avoid it), please avoid taking your seat while others are playing; if you can, wait for an appropriate break in the action to slip in.
  2. Clearing up. There are lots of things to do after rehearsal, often including packing up percussion to take back to the faculty. Please help out as much as you can, the very least being to move your chair to wherever it needs to be to clear the room to how we found it.
  3. Bring a stand. We normally practice in spaces which do not have rehearsal equipment like stands, you will need to bring your own to each rehearsal. If you don’t have one, you can order one online or ask for advice on shops which sell them in Oxford.
  4. Bring a pencil (and use it). You wouldn’t sit through a lecture without taking notes… It’s much more fun for everyone if we can keep making our playing better rather than rehearsing the same bits as last week. Also, bowings will be sent around at some point by the section leader, please make sure to mark these in your parts.
  5. Music responsibility. We’ll hand out sheet music at the first rehearsal, you will need to look after it for the rehearsal period and then leave it on your stand at the end of the concert for us to collect in. Getting replacements for lost or damaged parts can be expensive and time-consuming so please help us avoid that. If you’re sharing a part with a desk partner, make sure the music gets to the rehearsal even if you can’t make it.
  6. Practising. We all know that you won’t always be able to find time to fit in personal practice on OUO music between a Tuesday and Thursday rehearsal, but please do put in the practice that you feel you need to be comfortable with the music. This is especially applicable to people playing more exposed parts and anything which the conductor may have highlighted that could do with some personal practice before the next rehearsal.
  7. Be courteous. We all go to rehearsals to have fun and enjoy playing together, just make sure we remember this when we need to query something with each other or the conductor.
  8. Don’t tune loudly or chat during tuning. We all like being able to play in tune, and a bit of quiet for a few moments while we listen to the oboe really helps with that. It’s very tempting to chat while the other sections are tuning but please hold off for a minute!
  9. Approach anyone with any questions, nicely. We really want to hear any of your questions and/or suggestions to make you feel comfortable in the orchestra. You should feel able to ask anyone questions, especially any committee members. There is also a feedback/suggestions form on the website that you can use and it can be anonymous if you like.
  10. Don’t miss rehearsals. Our evening rehearsal times are generally good for not clashing with other commitments, and we really need you to prioritise OUO rehearsals so that everyone can get the most out of their time in the orchestra. Our concert-day rehearsal can often present challenges with clashes but you should do your absolute best to avoid these, your fixer might be able to help you with some advice if you talk to them early. You should even ask your tutor nicely to re-arrange your tutorial time/group to be able to make it.
  11. Communicate absences. There will be unavoidable reasons to miss a rehearsal but these need to be communicated as soon as you possibly can to your fixer. Unless these are last-minute changes, they should be communicated before term, or at the very start of term.
  12. Lastly, enjoy the music and the social side of OUO. OUO is a privilege, a great opportunity to play in an orchestra at a really good level, with loads of friends, and relax from your degree for a few hours. Enjoy it and get stuck in!


We will always try and help you fulfil these expectations but repeated failure to do so may result in you not being asked to join for the next concert.

Complaints procedure

We find that is incredible rare that a complaints procedure is needed but it's important to know where to go if you ever have an issue. We hope that you feel comfortable to talk to any committee member about a complaint and trust that they will handle it appropriately; especially the manager, Kilian, the secretary, Tommaso, and the treasurer, Johan. You are also very welcome to speak to other experienced committee members such as Sarah or Bradley. If you feel unable to do this, you may approach our senior member, Andrew, who's contact details are listed on our website.

The official documents for our constitution, code of conduct, and complaints procedure can be found here:
