The Oxford University Orchestra provides an opportunity for the University’s top musicians to play challenging and exciting repertoire with a variety of exceptional professional conductors and soloists. For only a small donation you could help support us in this activity. Ticket sales alone are unable to cover the cost of any concert so it is thanks to the generous support of the University’s Music Faculty, corporate sponsors, and people like you that we are able to continue to put on the ambitious concerts the orchestra is famous for. In the current financial climate, as corporate sponsorship becomes increasingly difficult to acquire, we rely ever more on your donations. Click one of the buttons below to join the friends’ scheme or scroll down to learn more about it. We are incredibly grateful for all gifts and recurring gifts in particular contribute massively to the ongoing financial stability of OUO.
Supporting OUO doesn't have to be financial, if you are interested in supporting the orchestra in other ways, please fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you.
How to donate
Click here* to join the friends scheme online. You can choose how you'd like to donate and our Friends' Secretary will be in touch with you to thank you and welcome you to the Friends' Scheme.
*We're really sorry but the online donation option is currently unavailable due to a central university technical issue, please use the form below to give us your details so that we can get in touch when everything is resolved. Thank you so much for your interest in supporting OUO!
The file below can be used to join the friends scheme by post if you are unable to use the online system.
Lastly, please find the privacy notice for donors here
Donations benefits
Become a Friend of OUO for £40 each year or £60 for a couple and alongside supporting student orchestral music you can enjoy all of these benefits:
-Priority booking for all concerts
-An annual newsletter with updates on the orchestra’s development and future plans
-Acknowledgement in each concert programme and on our website
-Help finding a string quartet/musical entertainment for your personal events
As a Sponsor for £100 each year or £150 for a couple you will enjoy the additional opportunity to attend a pre-concert rehearsal and receive a 10% discount on tickets (max 2 per concert).
For a donation of £500 or more each year you could become a Benefactor. In addition to all of the above you will have the opportunity to be named as the sponsor of a specific activity each year. You will also receive one complimentary ticket for the OUO concert of your choice each year.
If you are interested in supporting OUO financially or otherwise please provide your contact details in the form below and we will get in touch with you.
Join the OUO Friends Scheme via the links above. If joining by post, return to University of Oxford Development Office, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD. For further information, please email the Friends’ Secretary, whose details can be found on the contact page.
Thank you for your support.